![Super Whisper! On the Train with High School Sweetheart Ichikawa Arisa [Binaural Audio] [画像提供:DLsite.com] Super Whisper! On the Train with High School Sweetheart Ichikawa Arisa [Binaural Audio]](https://dldshare.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/img_RJ427258_img_main.jpg)
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![Super Whisper! On the Train with High School Sweetheart Ichikawa Arisa [Binaural Audio] [画像提供:DLsite.com] Super Whisper! On the Train with High School Sweetheart Ichikawa Arisa [Binaural Audio]](https://dldshare.net/wp-content/plugins/wp-fastest-cache-premium/pro/images/blank.gif)
![Super Whisper! On the Train with High School Sweetheart Ichikawa Arisa [Binaural Audio] [画像提供:DLsite.com] Super Whisper! On the Train with High School Sweetheart Ichikawa Arisa [Binaural Audio]](https://dldshare.net/wp-content/plugins/wp-fastest-cache-premium/pro/images/blank.gif)
![Super Whisper! On the Train with High School Sweetheart Ichikawa Arisa [Binaural Audio] [画像提供:DLsite.com] Super Whisper! On the Train with High School Sweetheart Ichikawa Arisa [Binaural Audio]](https://dldshare.net/wp-content/plugins/wp-fastest-cache-premium/pro/images/blank.gif)
![Super Whisper! On the Train with High School Sweetheart Ichikawa Arisa [Binaural Audio] [画像提供:DLsite.com] Super Whisper! On the Train with High School Sweetheart Ichikawa Arisa [Binaural Audio]](https://dldshare.net/wp-content/plugins/wp-fastest-cache-premium/pro/images/blank.gif)
Hey. You wanna take the train with me?
Agaaaain? Don't you have work or something?
No, it's fine I guess. ...It's not like I was looking forward to it!
Uh, are you allowed to listen to stuff like this when you're on your way to work?
And to top it off you're listening to me on your smartphone in the middle of a crowded train...
That's pretty risky, don't you think? The sexual noises...and, well...you know...
I-I am NOT going to say it. Come on! You shouldn't listen to this now. Really, stop it!
Somebody could find out and you'd get in trouble! ...You never know.
■Track 1・A Touching Meeting [33:50]
Mm...mm... Ah...ha... He-hey...
I know I said it was cool, but...
Oh, it was just the train shaking? ...Really?
Ah...mm... I-it's kinda poking me and...
I-I kinda...am starting to feel it...down there... I mean, don't make me say it!
H-hey! Don't get too excited.
If I screamed right now, they would lock you away in an instant.
Hrmm... D-didn't you hear what I just said?
Your co-... Uah... What are you doing? Putting that thing up against me...
Even if I keep my voice down, the people around us are gonna notice.
... Huh? Jerk off? What do you mean?
... Ha? Huh? Wha?
Tha-that's what that means!?
I am not going to do that.
Who asks a high schooler that?
■Track 2・Until We Meet Again [38:13]
Ehehe. It's just like last time. Same position and everything.
...You know... If I were to say I wanted to pick up where we left off...
What would you do?
W-well if I said, for instance, that I wanted you to let me touch it?
Your... Well, your...cock.
D-don't call me a pervert! It's not like that.
I'm asking you to consider. I'm serious.
I told you earlier, I'm trying to fit in with the other girls and...
You know how it is, they're more advanced than me...uh...sexually speaking.
I used to be able to keep up with them but now I don't feel like I can.
It sucks. So, that's why I wanted to ask you to help me.
I want real experience. Like before, with...with another person.
...No, I don't. Really. I haven't even kissed anyone. No sexual experience at all.
The last time with you was my first. Is that bad?
What I mean is that this is a big problem for me.
I am not even gonna front, it is a whole emergency.
You're super hard already - don't talk out of your ass!
...You don't...want to? Is it...me?
■Track 3・All Aboard a High School Girl [29:46]
...This car is better... It's really crowded.
We can do it in the corner like last time.
You don't want to...keep going?
This isn't a joke!
I thought about it, and I decided to have my first time with you.
So...so you're okay with that too!?
But you're getting a high school girl?
Luck like that doesn't make you feel you would give up your life, let alone just your job? I want to see a little more excitement, here.
...Of course I am! I've been waiting for this day with bated breath.
.........Ah... Umm...
Ah, that. That... Well, as I'm sure you could guess...
That is... Uh... That, as for those...
......You're so slow on the uptake!
We don't need it because... Uh, ah, uh...
It's a safe day!!!
Besides, it's my first time so...I don't want to use a condom.
I want to be able to feel your cock...or whatever.
I-I'm interested...in having sex, you know?
If I fall in love with someone, I want to be able to do it with them.
I said this the last two times but you really get too into this! Ugh... Listen to me!
...Ah... You're a terrible grown-up. Well that's just the way you are I guess.
...You are already hard as a rock. Horny much?
■Track 4・Interview with Arisa and Afterword [6:12]
You want me to introduce myself? ...Really? That sounds pretty lame...
I have to?? Alright...
...Arisa. My name is Ichikawa Arisa, is that enough?
Whaaaaat? Is that much detail really necessary?
Alright, I'm 155cm. And I weigh... Hold on, I'm not telling you that!
My bra size is... is... an E cup! There. Happy!?
I go to an all-girls school. It's a pretty academic school. What, I don't look like that type of girl?
I don't remember asking for your opinion. Hmph!
■Total Play Time [Tracks 0-4, 5 Total]
Approx. 109 min.(Text: English / Voice: Japanese)
サークル名: | 青春×フェティシズム 登録作品一覧 |
販売日: | 2022年10月21日 0時 |
シリーズ名: | 超囁き! |
作者: | 遊助D |
シナリオ: | 間崎俊介 |
イラスト: | ろうか |
声優: | 一之瀬りと |
音楽: | 青春×フェティシズム |
年齢指定: | 18禁 |
作品形式: | ボイス・ASMR |
ファイル形式: | WAV |
その他: | DLsite公式翻訳 |
対応言語: | 英語 |
ジャンル: | バイノーラル/ダミヘ / 学生 / ギャル / ラブラブ/あまあま / 電車 / 中出し / 耳舐め / ささやき |
ファイル容量: | 総計 5.92GB |
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