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The story centers around the protagonist (you) and your wife Fiona. The two of you have been married for over a decade and get along perfectly. You know you're blessed to have a wife like Fiona, but you can't help but wish you had a more active sex life with her...
Meanwhile your new co-worker Davis is struggling with a similar issue: although frequency is not their problem, him and his new wife Kyleigh both want to take the lead in the bedroom. Davis comes to you with the obvious solution: if the two of you just swap wives, there's two perfect sexual matches instead of two mismatches...
The characters the story focuses on are your wife Fiona, your co-worker Davis, and his wife Kyleigh. You will read most of the story from the protagonist's (the player can decide his name) perspective, but later in the game there's plenty of scenes from Fiona's perspective as well. At the start of the game you can decide whether you want to read the scenes from your wife's perspective as well, or would rather fully immerse yourself into the protagonist and read his scenes only.Fiona is a woman in her mid-thirties and the protagonist's wife. She was raised conservatively and taught not to talk about things like sex. She's kind and an amazing cook.
As the story progresses she will open up about sex and be less embarrassed about the subject or the initiation of act itself. The question is until what point this is still a positive development...Kyleigh is the protagonist's co-worker's newlywed wife and the protagonist's partner in the swapping arrangement. She's assertive and easy-going, and works in fashion.
She's very open sexually and seems to know no shame. She's dominant by nature, a trait which emerges more and more as the protagonist spends more time with her in the bedroom...Davis is the protagonist's co-worker and his subordinate. He's young and permanently cheerful.
He loves his wife very much, but is also very interested in the protagonist's wife. He appears to have the best intentions at first, but may have ulterior motives...
サークル名: | Infidelisoft 登録作品一覧 |
販売日: | 2023年01月20日 16時 |
年齢指定: | 18禁 |
作品形式: | デジタルノベル / 音楽あり |
ファイル形式: | アプリケーション |
対応言語: | 英語 |
ジャンル: | ピアス/装飾品 / 熟女 / 浮気 / 寝取られ / 男性受け / 悪堕ち / メス堕ち / 褐色/日焼け |
ファイル容量: | 総計 2.12GB |
動作環境: | Any sound card |
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